Skip to main contentCarbon Design System

Design resources

Everything you need to learn about and work with Carbon, Sketch libraries and templates, color palettes, GitHub repos, and design tools.


Carbon interprets the IBM Design Language and delivers it through tools for designers and developers including guidance, tooling, components, and support. Take the time to read the design language site so that you fully understand what drives IBM’s design philosophy and principles, and can make informed decisions in your product design work.

To use the Sketch libraries you’ll find here, you need the most recent version of Sketch installed. If you’re new to the design kit, visit the Kits page.

For data visualization resources, go to the Data visualization section.

Theme libraries

Color, grid, and icons

GitHub repos


Carbon uses the open-source typeface IBM Plex – carefully designed to meet IBM’s needs as a global technology company and reflect IBM’s spirit, beliefs, and design principles.

